
Vaginal skin tags on lip
Vaginal skin tags on lip

vaginal skin tags on lip

The flesh between the vaginal opening and the anus (not part of the vulva but often involved in vulvar skin problems) is the perineum. The area between the labia minora, the vestibule, contains the openings to the urethra and the vagina, as well as the Bartholin's glands, which are located on either side of the vaginal opening and produce lubricant for the vestibule. The labia majora, labia minora, and clitoris are made up of erectile tissue, that is, tissue that can become engorged with blood. The labia minora join at the top to enclose the clitoris. Inside the labia majora are the thinner, more pigmented and delicate flaps of skin called the labia minora.

vaginal skin tags on lip

The fleshy outer lips of the vulva - the labia majora - are covered with pubic hair and contain fat that helps cushion the area. The vulva (Latin for womb or covering) consists of several layers that cover and protect the sexual organs and urinary opening. These conditions aren't getting the medical attention they need - and women aren't getting the relief they deserve. Many women have been primed to think no further than "itch equals yeast infection." But with age and the decline in estrogen after menopause, women become more prone to a variety of conditions that irritate vulvar skin. You may routinely pamper your face and work hard to keep it moisturized and irritation-free, but what have you done lately for the more sensitive skin of your vulva, the external genital area surrounding your vagina? The vulva is subject to a range of skin problems, many of them inadvertently self-inflicted. Proper diagnosis, treatment vital to get relief from vulvar itching and other irritating conditions

Vaginal skin tags on lip